Snow stops on the roof: types and features of their installation
Heavy snow on the roof of a country house creates a problem – the possibility of its avalanche-like descent. It is easily solved by purchasing and installing a snow stop. This protective device is an element of the roof and can be installed, as in the construction of the house, and at any time after the beginning of its operation.
Depending on the type of device solved problems: to delay the mass of snow, but miss the formed at its melting water, or divide it into several parts, which will reduce the fall of each of them.
Advantages of houses with snow stops
The main function is security. Carelessness in this matter can lead to unpleasant consequences: injury to homeowners and legal liability if it happens to passers-by. In the absence of a delaying device, snow removal with a shovel may result in a fall from the roof.
In addition to ensuring safety for people, snow stops perform a useful function for the roof of a house – protecting the roof and distributing the load on it more evenly. The warm air coming from the inside of the house turns the snow on the roof into an ice crust. When it slides, it will scratch the surface, damaging the protective roof covering. If the roof is made of metallic materials, scratches will cause corrosion and the need for repair work.
The roof slope is also important – it is especially important to install snowpipes if it is less than 60 °.
Deciding to install this useful device, the owners of the country house can be quiet for a long time – the reliability of the design ensures long-term operation. There is no need to replace it every year.
There are two kinds of constructions:
- Snow barriers. These devices hold back the snow on the roof, even without a partial descent. Water after melting falls into special gutters;
- Snow cutters. Designed to divide the snow into separate parts. Falling snow mass in small portions is more safe.
The choice of construction depends on the amount of precipitation in the region in winter and the temperature difference:
- Barrier snow stops are more suitable for areas where temperature fluctuations provide regular cleaning of the roof in the form of melt water;
- Snow cutters are used in areas with a more severe climate.
The construction market offers a wide range of options for different weather conditions.
Types of snow stops
Several types of snow stops are available, differing in design and application.
The main selection criteria are:
- The amount of precipitation in the area;
- Roof pitch angle;
- Roof material.
Personal preferences and financial possibilities are also taken into account.

Tubular Snow Cutters
Tubular snow-cutters are vertical brackets in which two rows of horizontally arranged pipes with a diameter of 10-30 mm are inserted into specially provided holes. Fastening of the bracket to the roof with screws is made through the shelf located at the bottom. The devices are installed along the roof perimeter.
The design is considered universal and allows the use on all types of roofs – roll, tile, sheet. Details of a snow stop of a tubular kind are made of steel and covered with a paint. Having picked up colour, it is possible to make them imperceptible on a background of a roof. The device is durable, corrosion is not subject to.
Lattice Snow Cutters
Snow barriers of the grille type are vertically placed grilles fixed on the roof by means of brackets. The roofing material is suitable for any type of roofing material, as it is possible to choose fasteners for each type of roofing.
Dimensions of grids with different configurations, begin with 5 cm and reach 15-20 cm. For strength reasons, the thickness of the bracket should be greater than that of the grid itself.
Angular Snow Cutters
Corner snow blockers are used for small amounts of snow. Are metal products of a corner profile. At the bottom there are shelves through holes in which fastening to the roof takes place.
The use is found in regions where the amount of snow falling out during the winter is insignificant. Solve the problem of snow masses on the roofs that do not have too much slope.
Hopper snow stops, other names – hook and point snow stops, due to their design do not have the ability to delay a significant amount of snow. They are most often used in combination with tubular and lattice ones. Separately, they can only be used for soft roofs with a slight slope.
Design – triangles with a plate for fastening. They do not prevent the snow from falling completely, but reduce the force when the snow falls.
Installation of snow stops
Installation of each of the species has its own peculiarities. It can be done along the whole length or only over some objects: entrance, balconies, parking place, walkways.
Do not install directly on the eaves, and also too close to it. The eaves may fall down together with the snow stop and avalanche. The optimal distance is 50-80 cm. Place it parallel to the bottom edge of the roof.
Fasteners are usually included in the scope of delivery. The fixing holes are sealed with rubber gaskets. It is advisable to chalk up the roof before starting.